Looking after your teeth during the holidays can fall to the back of your mind, however, it’s important to keep up your dental hygiene as much as you can. Here are our top tips for keeping up your oral care and avoiding dental emergencies during the holidays.
1. Book in an end of year appointment
This is important as we can make sure your teeth are strong and healthy for Christmas. It’s also good to get in an appointment if you haven’t used up your health fund yet! Make sure you get in before it clicks over to the new year.
2. Keep the sugar intake low
As difficult as it may be with advent calendars and Christmas desserts, keeping the sugar intake as low as possible is the simplest way to avoid cavities.
3. Avoid Alcohol
A fresh beverage is perfect for summer days, however, it’s best to keep the alcohol intake as low as possible. When you are drinking lots of alcohol, it’s good to balance it with water. Drinking through a straw also helps reduce staining if you’re drinking coloured drinks.
4. Pack the essentials
If you’re going away for holidays, be sure to pack all the essentials including your toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and if you have braces or Invisalign make sure you pack the necessary items, including pain relief just in case.
5. Keep up your hygiene
As nice as it is to relax over the summer, it’s still important to keep up your dental hygiene habits- including flossing! If you’re snacking often, try to brush your teeth afterwards or at least rinse them thoroughly to try and keep food from getting stuck in your teeth.